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What Are

Natural Remedies?

Natural remedies are natural by their nature and by their action. They are remedies from nature – as opposed to synthetic drugs which wouldn’t exist unless created in a laboratory.  They are natural in their action, in encouraging and supporting the body’s own amazing powers of self-healing.


Given the right support, your body can overcome almost any disease and return to full health.


While there are many home remedies to ease uncomfortable symptoms, holistic medicine focuses on the cause of disease rather than the symptoms.


Tackle the cause of illness, and your body’s natural healing processes will do the rest. A suitable course of natural remedies will usually leave you stronger and healthier than before. 


Take infectious diseases as an example. These are often treated with antibiotics, which work once, if at all – germs are notorious for developing resistance to antibiotics.  But why have you got an infection? It’s because your immune system isn’t as strong as it could be. Boost your immune system with natural remedies and you will have greater resilience against all infections, not just the present one.



So, which remedies are natural?


Herbs are the most obvious. Herbal medicine has been around since the dawn of time. Animals have always sort out the plants which will keep them healthy. Humans learned about healing herbs from the earliest times. While some herbs should only be prescribed by a trained herbalist, there are many which can be safely used as home remedies for common ailments.


Easier even than herbs are food remedies. ‘You are what you eat’ has become rather a cliché, but it’s as true today as ever. Many, probably most, illnesses today are a direct result of wrong eating. The moment you return to eating a life-supporting diet of good, healthy food, your body can start to heal itself. Some foods are in themselves marvellous home remedies for specific conditions.



Herb Plants

Aromatherapy uses essential oils from a wide range of plants. These oils are so concentrated that you benefit just by smelling them, as you breath in tiny particles of the oils. They can also be used, diluted, massaged directly on the skin. 


Homeopathic remedies have a deep and powerful effect. When the right remedy is chosen they work seemingly like magic.


Other therapies include massage, acupuncture and reflexology.

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